Decision Knowledge
Software for Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs
A professional Java software tool for teaching and applications
The LIMID software system from Esthauge Decision Knowledge is a full Java
software tool for construction and manipulation of graphical models in the form
of Bayesian networks and decision graphs. It consists of an application
programming interface for embedding with other Java software tools and a
graphical user interface for visual construction, editing and maintenance of
For a general introduction to Bayesian networks and decision graphs,
reference is made to
Jensen (2001).
Further details may be found in
Cowell et al.
All implemented algorithms are based on construction of so-called junction
trees after moralization and triangulation of the model specified by the user.
The algorithm used for optimization in decision graphs is single-policy updating
as described by
Lauritzen and Nilsson (2000).
Who should use the Esthauge LIMID software?
Anybody who needs a software tool for discrete Bayesian networks or decision
graphs. The Java API makes it particularly well suited for embedding in
multi-platform applications.
The facilities for visual display of moral graphs, triangulated graphs and
junction trees make it the ideal tool for teaching.